1. Gotam Sharma - CEO
Gotam Sharma is the CEO and Editor-in-Chief of TIMES OF DISCOVER . Having more than 5+ years of experience in the field of
Entertainment & Sports News Media.
Mail : timesofdiscover@gmail.com
2. BheemRaj Sheela - Senior Editor
BheemRaj Sheela is a social media enthusiast, who contributes research and writes automotive and technology based news for
Mail - bheemrajsheela@gmail.com
3. Govind Jangra - Senior Journalist
Govind Jangra is a senior journalist in Rajasthan. Who writes everything related to Hindi film industry and other aspects of
entertainment. When he is not watching films, he is probably following celebrities on social media. He's always recommending Kadramas
to random people on the web. Ps, he prefers HIMYM more than friends.
Mail : bheemrajsheela@gmail.com